Course curriculum

  • 1

    Stage 1 Skills

    • Escalated Couples

    • Find the Cue.

    • Validate one Partner without invalidating the Other

    • After assessment, don't follow Exit Sign

    • Ask for a Present Example

    • Moving from Content to Process

    • Following a disclosure about childhood history and connecting it back to the Couples Present Relationship and Cycle

  • 2

    Stage 2 Skills

    • Get underneath the Reactivity

    • Heightening

    • Find emotional doorways: Ask about the body

    • Ask about the history

    • Tie the work with the individual back to the relational context

    • Move from View of Self to View of Other

    • Setting up a Stage 2 Enactment and Slicing the Risk Thinner

Rapid Role Plays

Micro Skills for Stage 1 and Stage 2 in EFT

Watch and practice the micro skills that are necessary to help you move through Stage 1 and Stage 2 in EFT. In this training, Kathryn will discuss and demonstrate 7 skills in Stage 1, and 7 skills in Stage 2, and you can pause and practice each skill as you go along


BA (SW); MA (MFT), LMFT, AAMFT, CAMF. Certified EFT Supervisor

Kathryn de Bruin

I am the owner of Kathryn de Bruin Therapy and Training, and a licensed San Diego based Marriage and Family Therapist and Therapist Trainer.

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Certified EFT Supervisor and Trainer
AAMFT Supervisor
Registered Play Therapy Supervisor